Besta AG was founded in 1966 as a* subsidiary of Bachofen Holding AG in Uster. As of October 2015 the company was merged with the Bachofen Automation business unit. The Trimod'Besta Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature products are developed and produced in Uster, and distributed worldwide through around 45 country representatives. About 85% of the product sales are generated abroad.
Besta AG was founded in 1966 as a* subsidiary of Bachofen Holding AG in Uster. As of October 2015 the company was merged with the Bachofen Automation business unit. The Trimod'Besta Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature products are developed and produced in Uster, and distributed worldwide through around 45 country representatives. About 85% of the product sales are generated abroad.
瑞士BESTA公司建立于1966年,是BACHOFEN HOLDING 公司的全資子公司,通過45個遍布全球的代理商為客戶提供服務。BESTA公司在液位測量領域的佼佼者。浮球開關是一種結構簡單,使用方便,安全可靠的液位控制器件,它具有比一般機械開關體積小,速度快,工作壽命長,與電子開關相比,它又有抗負載沖擊能力強的特點,其在造船,造紙,印刷,發(fā)電機設備,石油化工,食品工業(yè),水處理,電工,油壓機械等方面有廣泛的應用。